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How to Create a Wedding Vision Board (And Why You Need One)

One of the hardest things about planning a wedding? The countless decisions you have to make along the way! From choosing flower arrangements to styling your table settings, the decision-making process can very quickly become overwhelming. 

Enter: the wedding vision board.

Creating a vision board is a great way to clarify your ideas, define your style and bring your dream wedding to life. Read on as we explain exactly how to create a wedding vision board, and why you need one for your special day!

Photo via Maya Lora

Do You Need a Wedding Vision Board?

First things first, do you really need to create a vision board for your wedding? In our opinion – yes! Creating a wedding vision board can make the entire planning process much easier, and here’s why:

Photo via Jen Huang

How to Create a Wedding Vision Board: A Step-By-Step Guide

Okay, so where should you actually begin with creating a vision board for your wedding? The good news is, it doesn’t have to be a complicated process. Simply follow these steps to get started:

  1. Gather inspiration. The best place to start is by collecting images that inspire you. Take some time browsing wedding blogs, Pinterest, Instagram and bridal magazines and saving images that resonate with you – whether it’s a bouquet arrangement, a particular color palette or a venue. You can also find inspiration in unexpected places, such as home decor magazines or even your very own wardrobe!
  1. Identify the patterns. As you gather inspiration, pay attention to any recurring themes you see. Are you drawn to soft pastels and romantic florals, or do you prefer bold colors and geometric patterns? Start to identify the key elements that reflect your style and aesthetic preferences.
  2. Cull your ideas. After sourcing inspiration, it’s time to cull your ideas. Pick out your absolute favorite images – the ones you feel best represent the look and feel you want to create for your wedding.
Photo via John and Joseph
  1. Choose a platform. Decide whether you want to create a physical or digital vision board. You can create a physical board using something like a poster board, or a digital vision board using a platform like Pinterest or Canva. Pro tip: a digital vision board will make it easier to share with your wedding vendors.
  1. Build your vision board. Next, arrange your collected images on your chosen platform, and experiment with different layouts until you find one that reflects your vision and style. The overall look should be cohesive, with all of your elements working harmoniously together.
Photo via Kelsey Cowley
  1. Add descriptive elements. Enhance your vision board even further by adding descriptive elements such as captions, quotes, or notes. Use these elements to highlight specific details or convey the mood and atmosphere you want to create on your wedding day.
  1. Review and revise. Step back and review your vision board to ensure it accurately reflects your vision. Make adjustments as needed, adding new ideas or removing elements that no longer resonate with you. 
  1. Share and collaborate. Once your vision board is complete, you can share it with your wedding vendors! Use your vision board as a reference point during consultations and meetings to ensure everyone is aligned with your vision and expectations.
Photo via Amy Golding

Throughout the wedding planning process, your vision board will act as a guiding light to help you make styling decisions and plan the finer details of your day, and you can refer back to it as often as needed.
Need some inspiration to get started?

Check out our WedSites Pinterest boards here, or read our ultimate guide to defining your wedding style and vision!