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How to Write the Best Wedding Party Bios For Your Wedding Website

Introducing your wedding party on your wedding website is more than just a formality – it’s an opportunity to celebrate the special people who will stand by your side on your big day.

With that being said, writing your wedding party bios can be harder than you think! Who knew that crafting a few sentences about your favorite people could be so daunting?

Don’t stress, because we’re here to help. Read on for our step-by-step guide to writing the best wedding party bios for your wedding website, including some examples to get you started.

Photo via Facibeni

Do You Need to Include Wedding Party Bios on Your Wedding Website?

Introducing your wedding party on your wedding website isn’t compulsory, but it can definitely be a nice way to personalize your website and engage your guests. 

Here are a few reasons why we think wedding party bios can make a meaningful addition to your wedding website:

Photo via Taryn Baxter

How to Write The Best Wedding Party Bios For Your Wedding Website

Not sure where to begin with crafting your wedding party bios? Here’s how to write engaging and heartfelt bios that add a personal touch to your wedding website.

  1. Share the Story of How You Met

Begin each wedding party bio by sharing the story of how you met the respective member. Whether it was through a mutual friend, at work, or during a memorable encounter, sharing the moment you first crossed paths will provide context for their role in your life, while setting the scene for the rest of their bio.

  1. Personalize with Anecdotes and Fun Facts

Next, personalize each wedding party bio with some anecdotes and fun facts that highlight the unique qualities and quirks of the respective member. Share a funny or touching anecdote that reflects your relationship with them, or include fun facts such as their favorite hobby, go-to karaoke song, or hidden talent to give guests a glimpse into their personality.

Photo via Ivash Studio
  1. Ask for Input From Each Member

Before finalizing your wedding party bios, it’s a good idea to ask each member for their input and approval to ensure accuracy and authenticity. Encourage them to share any additional anecdotes or fun facts they’d like to include (or to remove anything they’d prefer you not to share!).

  1. Add a Photo

Finally, accompany each wedding party bio with a photo of the respective member. This will allow your guests to put a face to the name before the big day, while also injecting some personality into your wedding website. Again, we’d suggest approving each photo with your wedding party before publishing it for your entire guest list.

Photo via This Modern Romance

Wedding Party Bio Examples

Okay, so this all sounds good in theory, but what should a wedding party bio actually look like?

Using the tips outlined above, we recommend keeping your wedding party bios relatively short and sweet (a simple paragraph should do the trick!) and use a tone of voice that reflects the formality of your event.

Here are some examples of wedding party bios to inspire your own:

“Sarah and I met on the first day of college orientation when we both got lost trying to find our dorm rooms. From that moment on, we became inseparable. She’s been my rock through every high and low, and I can’t imagine navigating life without her by my side. Fun fact: Sarah makes the best chocolate chip cookies you’ll ever taste, and she’s always the first one on the dance floor!”

“I met Alex during our college years when we were both studying engineering. We quickly bonded over late-night study sessions and a mutual love of sci-fi movies. Alex is not only my college roommate but also my travel buddy and partner in crime. Fun fact: Alex can recite the entire script of “Star Wars” from memory, and he’s always up for a lightsaber duel”

“Lily and I met during a pottery class where we couldn’t stop talking and have been best friends ever since! She’s the yin to my yang, always balancing out my crazier ideas with her practicality and wisdom. Lily has a talent for bringing people together and making everyone feel welcome, and I’m lucky to have her as a bridesmaid. Fun fact: Lily has a secret talent for singing opera in the shower, and will never turn down a karaoke mic”

Photo via Honey Gem Creative

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